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COVID-19 Disclaimer

This disclaimer must be signed by the person hiring the castle, this can be printed signed and scanned back to us or the disclaimer can be e-sign the disclaimer. Once the signed disclaimer has been received by Bounce Around Jersey Ltd, together with your bank transfer, this booking then becomes confirmed. If we do not have a copy from the person hiring the castle then your order will be cancelled and payment refunded, this disclaimer must be received back to us.

We can only deliver your castle if we have direct access to the garden, this must be a separate entrance and we can not bring the castle through the house to access the back.If we arrive and location is not accessible then we can not go ahead with the booking and refund will also not be honoured. We can not also set up in another garden on your behalf.

This usually takes about an hour to complete, to keep all parties safe, we need you to stay indoors. We will also be using industry standard sanitiser and soft care spray during the set up period. We will text you once we are away from the site and when it is safe to enjoy the castle. Usually the castles are ready within 90 minutes from arriving on site.

Please be aware that castles do get slippery when they are wet. If rain does cause an issue, just use a clean towel to wipe over the castle and make it safe for you to enjoy. Not a lot we can do if it rains all day... just beyond our control, sorry. Bouncy Castles must be collected at the agreed time and can not be left up over night.

Just your family:
We would love you to invite neighbours and other children to come and enjoy our brilliant castles. You just CAN NOT do this, sounds harsh but we have to be strict and you will be liable for any contamination risk. Just your household and no more.

On confirming and paying for your castle, you agree to be back indoors 30min prior to the stated/agreed collection time, this allows the castle time to air, and and sweat spots can dry out making it very safe for us to arrive and deflate.Yes, we will wipe and wash down the castle with sanitiser and soft care spray/wipes before switching the pumps off, we aim to be away from the site within 45 minutes.

Extra Information:
For your safety and ours, States of Jersey have asked us to be a lot stricter even though all our cleaning practices are of the highest level already. We will wear new face masks and gloves when we arrive on site to set the castle up and remove the masks and gloves when we leave the site. The masks and gloves are disposable and we will take these with us at all times.

We at Bounce Around Jersey strive to bring you the latest in inflatable castles and of the highest safety standards Island wide. On signing you agree to all the information laid out and agree to the requirements as stated above.


Please click HERE to download/print the PDF version of this disclaimer

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